About Suze Macrae

Things to consider when budgeting for custom software integrations.

By | Posted on 20 May 2024 | APIs,Custom Development

As part of weighing up the pros and cons of a custom software integration it is important to consider both the initial and ongoing costs. The upfront costs will depend on the type of development required, it could be something simple using Zoho Deluge or a complex integration between Zoho CRM and Xero. Your ongoing…

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Which is better? Custom software integrations or out of the box solutions.?

By | Posted on 20 May 2024 | APIs,Custom Development

More and more software applications offer ‘out of the box’ connectivity with other applications but oftentimes they are not fit for purpose.  Just recently I set up an integration between Zoho Inventory and WooCommerce using a third-party connector. On the surface it looked like it would tick all the boxes, allowing data to be transferred…

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The Importance of Regular Software Maintenance: Ensuring Longevity and Efficiency

By | Posted on 20 May 2024 | APIs,Custom Development

Custom software integrations play a vital role in streamlining processes and boosting productivity. However, as time progresses, these integrations may encounter issues or become incompatible with evolving technologies, causing frustration and disruptions for users. To address these challenges, it’s crucial to prioritise ongoing maintenance and updates for software systems. During development, numerous decisions and assumptions…

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What could you achieve with an extra six hours of free time?

By | Posted on 6 October 2022 | Business Strategy,Business Tools,CRM,Productivity Apps,Time Management

We’ve all seen, and most likely read, those articles that proclaim “30 hacks to improve workplace productivity” with gems such as ‘delegate’ ‘outsource’ and ‘gamify’ as the holy grail of solutions. But let’s face it, delegating takes time and planning, and really, who the hell has enough staff right now to give the work to?…

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