What could you achieve with an extra six hours of free time?
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What could you achieve with an extra six hours of free time?

We’ve all seen, and most likely read, those articles that proclaim “30 hacks to improve workplace productivity” with gems such as ‘delegate’ ‘outsource’ and ‘gamify’ as the holy grail of solutions. But let’s face it, delegating takes time and planning, and really, who the hell has enough staff right now to give the work to?…

Why Australian Businesses Must Have a CRM System
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Why Australian Businesses Must Have a CRM System

Cloud based CRM software is really a buzzing topic of late.  It used to be that I’d mention CRM in a sentence and people would ask ‘What’s CRM stand for?’ Now business owners are beginning to understand how to access and use digital technologies to facilitate their growth. Awareness has skyrocketed with people searching for…

6.5 Steps To Starting Your Business In The Cloud
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6.5 Steps To Starting Your Business In The Cloud

Before the advent of the internet, business was hard, manual, and extremely unforgiving. The internet came along and helped simplify many business processes; it gave us more research avenues, and allowed us to organise our thoughts in one place. The desktop still anchored us to one location; not entirely convenient. We sat and stared at…