In a nutshell…
- System Integration
Squirrel Business Solutions supported NLNL in transitioning from an email- and spreadsheet-based system for communicating with ambassadors and storing information, to Zoho CRM. This enabled NLNL to standardise and automate their processes, reducing administration time by four hours a week and increasing ambassador engagement by 50 per cent.
No Lights No Lycra (NLNL)

No Lights No Lycra (NLNL) run dance nights in Australia and across the world, via a network of ambassadors. Their mission is to provide an inclusive and non-judgemental place for people to dance as freely as they would in their own living rooms.
The brief
NLNL were using spreadsheets to store their ambassadors’ details and class attendance figures. They were communicating with their ambassadors manually, via a mix of email, MailChimp, Xero and website notifications. This meant that important information was spread across various systems and they had no reliable record of historic communications. Furthermore, with their ambassadors dispersed across the world and not always reporting class attendance accurately or regularly, NLNL found it difficult to keep track of attendance figures, and consequently to monitor payments.
NLNL needed a more efficient way to communicate with their ambassadors and keep a record of their communications. They also needed to make it easier for ambassadors to record and submit class attendance figures and a process for following up on outstanding figures.
Having engaged Squirrel’s services while in a previous role, project manager Alicia Norton had seen how effectively a CRM can be used to gather and store information and automate processes. She called on Squirrel Business Solutions for help.
“We needed all the people running classes around the world to accurately and regularly report class attendance. So we were looking for a better system for communicating with them and tracking communications,” explains Alicia.
The solution
- Mailchimp
- Xero
- Zoho Campaigns
- Zoho CRM
After meeting with NLNL to gain a full understanding of their processes and requirements, Squirrel’s consultants installed Zoho CRM and Zoho Campaigns. They then cleansed and migrated all their data from Excel and MailChimp into Zoho.
The next step was to integrate NLNL’s CRM with their website. Now, when a potential new ambassador registers their interest on the NLNL website, their details feed in to the CRM automatically. This triggers a drip feed of emails from Zoho Campaigns to the potential new ambassador. These emails explain how the company operates and guide ambassadors through the registration process.
Once the ambassador has signed up, the system automatically creates a table for recording attendance of their classes. It sends them an email containing a link, which they simply click to fill out attendance numbers. If they don’t do so within the appropriate time frame, the system follows up with email reminders. It also tracks whether payments have been received from each ambassador and sends automated reminders if necessary.
Future plans include setting up Zoho Survey, which ambassadors will be able to use to update their details. These will be automatically updated in the CRM.
The benefits
- One central platform from which to manage all enquiries.
- One central database for storing all ambassador data.
- An automated and consistent means of gathering all the information required from each ambassador.
- An automated process for sending the correct information to ambassadors at the appropriate time, reducing administration time.
- A reliable means of recording all communications with ambassadors.
- A reliable and efficient process for recording class attendance, reducing administration time.
- An easy means of viewing attendance figures across the world at the click of a button, reducing administration time.
- An automated process for reminding ambassadors to provide class attendance figures and complete payment, reducing administration time.
- An easier and more efficient reporting process using readily available data, resulting in an increased engagement in reporting within the team.
- Greater visibility of attendance around the world, and the ability to pinpoint accurately which locations need more marketing attention.
We’ve probably had a reduction in admin of a good four hours per week – and at least a 50 per cent increase in the number of people providing information each week. It’s really useful to be able to see at a glance who isn’t doing this and follow up.
Alicia Norton
Project Manager
No Lights No Lycra (NLNL)
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Squirrel Business Solutions implements and integrates CRM and other cloud-based systems, and provides training and support, for small and medium-sized businesses all over Australia, including Melbourne, Bendigo, regional Victoria, Tasmania, Sydney and Brisbane. This empowers them to automate their processes and improve their efficiency.